We are a Catholic parish school serving the Copper Coast and surrounding areas and offer an education for your sons and daughters from the moment they begin their formal schooling in Reception to Year 9.
We are committed to providing an engaging, relevant and meaningful curriculum to the students at our school. Our school uses an integrated approach to programming and planning, with a focus on Inquiry.
Subjects such as History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship and Economics and Business are often 'integrated' to form a major inquiry unit of work.
We use Kath Murdoch's Inquiry methodology to plan and program these units of work. Classes start with their 'Big Idea' or Key Inquiry question and then use the Tuning In, Finding Out, Sorting Out, Going Further and Concluding and Acting phases to guide this learning.
We believe this type of teaching and learning practice allows for 'real' and 'deep' learning which caters for student interest and focuses on collaboration and individualised learning opportunities.