We are a Catholic parish school serving the Copper Coast and surrounding areas and offer an education for your sons and daughters from the moment they begin their formal schooling in Reception to Year 9.
The Outside of School Hours Care Service is located in the school hall area. Outside areas include the school oval and playground. The children are cared for by Lisa Cooper. Lisa is very committed to programming and implementing a variety of activities that facilitate fun, excitement and discovery within a safe and caring environment.
This service is open weekdays throughout school terms. Care commences after school at 3pm and concludes at 6pm. The service is not open on Public Holidays and parents would be notified of any other closures. Children are to be collected by 6pm. Parents need to ring the Director as soon as possible to notify if they will be late.
Casual bookings can be made by contacting the Director on 0437659137 or via the School Office (08 88232549) prior to 2.45pm. A note will be sent to the child's classroom via the Office if the child is unaware they will be attending. Permanent bookings can be made by contacting the Director and completing the necessary forms. If your child has a permanent booking and will not be attending OSHC, you must inform the service as soon as possible, but no later than 1.00pm.